Saturday, February 14, 2009

About crazyness (maybe madness)

"Mushrooms, poppies, sugar and spice, all those things are very nice. When combined, the proper mixture makes a getting small elixir." That was an interesting beggining, wasn't it? It is kind of a poem that Alice says. Oh, I forgot to tell that I'm fanatic of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Anyway I'm going to talk about crazyness, you know, we are always in need of a bit of crazyness in our lives, maybe not that much crazyness of the inhabitants of Wonderland, that is madness and it's difficult to control. Crazyness is important as we use it to overcome every obstacle, we use it when something needs to be created, when there is someone or something that make us feel bad, then crazyness helps us to feel good again. We should not abuse of it, but it is always a very good ally. Maybe what I wrote does not have too much with Alice in Wonderland, but it was a reflection that I had after thinking a bit in that story (just the book, because I hate the Disney's movie). This is the end, and I say good bye until the next time. Walk carefuly, you never know where you can find a rabbit hole.

1 comment:

Mr. Ruben said...

If we don't take ourselves lightly, then who will? And part of that is doing it with a touch of craziness. Oddly, a little bit of craziness will help us be creative, focused, interesting, open-minded, eager, intuitive... normal.

And let's don't forget what The Beatles say... "with a little help from my friends." They'll always be there for you, willing to help you with the "craziness" bit.