Saturday, September 12, 2009

Liger and tigon

Mm... for those who didn't believe me... Here are some interesting facts about these new hybrid animal's:
The Liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger. The liger is the biggest feline ever, because of the growing hormone that is located in the female lion and in the male tiger.These weird animals got the best of both species, they are as friendly as lions, and enjoy the swimming as tigers also.
The ligers started as a genetic experiment in order to create a new raze. The have a lot of mutations and healthy problems and are grown in captivity because both of the species do not coexist together.

The Tigon is a cross between a male tiger and a lionesse. These animals are smaller than ligers, and are a little bit ugglier also. Even though they aren't as common as ligers they were once famous animals. They have stripes as the father's and mane as the male lions, because of the mother´s genes. There isn't as much information as with ligers but they were more common animals last centuries. They are used to be grown in captivity also and they are not as impresive.

Well, here it is the information, if you have any doubt you can always count on wikipedia or google because google knwos everything!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tips for saving water.

Hi!!! We know that water is a limited resource in the world, at to this a growing population and the constant waste, is necesary to work for stretch our existing water supplies, and we can conserving water in our home, really is too easy, for example:

* Check regularly for any leaks in your toilet, faucets and water hose bibs and fix them
* Don’t let the water run while you’re washing dishes or brushing your teeth
* Use water-saving showerheads and take shorter showers
* Wash only full loads of clothes in the washing machine. Washing small loads uses over twice as much water per pound of laundry.

Is important don’t forget that saving water saves energy and money.

pan´s labyrinth

This is a thrillins film and was directed by Del Toro. it was set in civil war . this fil is about a fantastic world is imagined by Ofelia. Ofelia is only a little child who lives with her mother and her stepfather, a militay officer.

One day, the family travel to a rural area. when they arrive , Ofelia finds a insect and follows its until a labyrint. This is the place where faun pan lives. the faun pan tells her that she might be a princess and can find her father, but she needs to complete 3 tasks.

The first task, ofelia should find a frog and takes the golden key in its bowels. second task, she shoul carry 3 fairies but, she lost two. The faun pan tells her that she won´t be a princess but he gives another oportunity. she should take her brother and spills his blood on the labyrinth but, she refuses. Unexpextely her father takes her brother and shoots her. Furthermore, Ofelia died but finally she returns to the kingdom and is a princess who lives with her parents.

I think that the acting is excellent; especially Ivana (Ofelia) and Doug (faun pan), this film is an interesting mixture of drama, horror and fantasy.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The music

I consider the music like a expression form, you can say more with rhythm some beats mixes than others ways I love electronic, trance some like that music I feel with energize I feel comfortable when I am working I prefer the music than the silence is better for my sometimes I had listened that people not concentrate with noise but in this moment I am listening a very good songs one of my preferred mixers are dali melicia infected mushrooms skasi .

I used to listened and looked for many of their songs but actually I don’t I have reducing my time and only listen the ones I have and the ones I listen one of the reason I like this music is because have a good manner to enroll his fans the keep on the line of the plur (peace love unit and respect)
Maybe with more time the next post I include a long history about this kind music.

My project

In my school we need to cover with some elements to be engineer one of those elements are the thesis, seminary or project all the students have 2 subject one in the 8th semester another in 9th semester those subjects have to be pass with a minim of 8 in base of 10.

So the students have to choose a project depends theirs areas.

I chose thermal and my project is about a peltier module that modulo works as a semiconductor in the which you put energy and between the faces you have a thermo phenomenon in one of the faces you´ll have heat and the other cold, so my intension is to put the peltier module into a refrigerator and for this way eliminate vibrations, noise, contamination, and all the components we can see in a refrigeration conventional in this moments I am doing all the calculus for to determinate how it will be consumer and the cost in December the project must be finished and I going to present to my professors I hope all will be fine and I can titrated by this way.

A Look to the Past.

I never imagined I would share my thoughts in a place where everybody can read them. It's amazing how life has changed in the last years. The people who were born in 60s know what I'm talking about. When I was 20 years old. I liked rock music, but there weren't any music programs on TV and a few groups of rock had made videos, it was very hard to find information about your favorite singer, also lots of us didn't have access on cable TV.
At the time we never thought to have a mobile, neither to be in touch with our friends sending messages or to listen our preferred music on an ipod wherever we went. Another marvellous thing is the computer. Nowadays almost everyone has their own PC and what can I say about internet? Oh, my Goodness!
Well, I can spend a long time writing how life styles have became more comfortable. I just want to say God bless MTV, VH1,PCs, Internet, etc.