Saturday, September 12, 2009

Liger and tigon

Mm... for those who didn't believe me... Here are some interesting facts about these new hybrid animal's:
The Liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger. The liger is the biggest feline ever, because of the growing hormone that is located in the female lion and in the male tiger.These weird animals got the best of both species, they are as friendly as lions, and enjoy the swimming as tigers also.
The ligers started as a genetic experiment in order to create a new raze. The have a lot of mutations and healthy problems and are grown in captivity because both of the species do not coexist together.

The Tigon is a cross between a male tiger and a lionesse. These animals are smaller than ligers, and are a little bit ugglier also. Even though they aren't as common as ligers they were once famous animals. They have stripes as the father's and mane as the male lions, because of the mother´s genes. There isn't as much information as with ligers but they were more common animals last centuries. They are used to be grown in captivity also and they are not as impresive.

Well, here it is the information, if you have any doubt you can always count on wikipedia or google because google knwos everything!!

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