Thursday, November 25, 2010


There´s a music group in Argentina called LES LUTHIERS whom in some of their songs they use a character named Johan Sebastian Mastropiero, and in one specific song we can hear “Mastropiero went through a sudden lack of inspiration”.

So at this point this is me, in a sudden lack of inspiration, jeje. But there is a thing I´ve had in my mind, is just that I don´t know if it is a good idea write about it, because it is something that makes people have very different opinions and I prefer to stay in line. On the other hand, I have to write about something so I´ll do it.

Teleton is an event that every year raises millions of pesos of help for those who with physical or mental disabilities, the foundation is aided by many companies and associations and people who donate money just for helping. I don´t have problems with that, my discontent begins when I see the ads as manipulators that are used to convince people to be part of donations. Start with that and continue with the knowledge that they don´t help every person who need it, a very close friend of mine has a relative with down´s syndrome. They went to a CRIT for help and the only thing they found were disappointments, because in the offices told them that they had not places for the kid, but that in October-November they will have place because of the promotion for the near event. After that I don´t trust in Teleton.

I could keep writing, but the semifinals matches start at this moment, so I think I´ll stop this. At least for today.

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