Thursday, December 2, 2010

soul mate

melbis said finding the that throughout our lives we dream of finding the perfect parther, soul mate, one that, like oases in the desert, drinking gives us hope, strength and unconditional love. even those who enjoy having multiple relationshps miss the so called better half. they are certain that if they find that special someone would be able to commit until the end of time

that thinking is influenced by the eroneous teachings that have ocurred throughout history, from the time when plato wrote "The Banquet" as stated in the second part of this note, there Aristophans speaks of three sexes: male, female and androgynous. The latter consisted sex double beings, ancestors of modem men, as were strong and intelligent, they make the gods feel threatened. tnen Zeus was furious and decided to divide them. Since that time, the separated halves go in search of their complementary half

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