Sunday, July 24, 2011

POST FOUR How to do well at an interview.

Two or three weeks ago, two friends asked me How to do well at an interview? , they have finished their career and now they are looking a job, I gave them some techniques that I use, and now I show you the following recommendations that I found in an Internet page, I hope that help you.

Some recommendations are:

* Make a list of what you will need at the test center, including a pencil; check it before leaving the house.

* Find the place where the interview will be, if you can check the place in Google maps you can find easily the place.

* Get a good night's sleep.

* Be at the test center early--at least 15 minutes early.

* Read the instructions carefully; make sure they do not differ from the samples you practiced with.

* Generally, speed counts; do not linger over difficult questions.

Interviews. For many of us, interviews are the most fearsome part of finding a job. But they are also our best chance to show an employer our qualifications. Interviews are far more flexible than application forms or tests. Use that flexibility to your advantage.

You show that you are highly motivated by learning about the company before the interview and in the interview also, by dressing appropriately, and by being well mannered--which means that you greet the interviewer by name, you do not chew gum or smoke, you listen attentively, and you thank the interviewer at the end of the session. You also show motivation by expressing interest in the job at the end of the interview.

You show that you understand what the job entails and that you can perform it when you explain how your qualifications prepare you for specific duties as described in the company's job listing and when you ask intelligent questions about the nature of the work and the training provided new workers.

One of the best ways to prepare for an interview is to have some practice sessions with a friend or two. Here is a list of some of the most commonly asked questions to get you started.

* Why did you apply for this job?

* What do you know about this job or company?

* Why did you choose this career?

* Why should I hire you?

* What would you do if... (usually filled in with a work-related crisis)?

* How would you describe yourself?

* What would you like to tell me about yourself?

* What type of work do you like to do best?

* What accomplishment gave you the greatest satisfaction?

* What was your worst mistake?

* What would you change in your past life?

* What courses did you like best or least in school?

* What did you like best or least about your last job?

* Why did you leave your last job?

* Why were you fired?

* How does your education or experience relate to this job?

* What are your goals?

* How do you plan to reach them?

* What do you hope to be doing in 5 years? 10?

* What salary do you expect?

1 comment:

Almiux said...