Friday, November 11, 2011


the travel of the dead is what huicholes belive that happens after we die, for many people are things that dont have much sense but for this culture their belives are the first and last thing to remember every day. for example, they belive that when a person die the soul travel to find what is going to happend with he or she, a shaman or marakame goes to rescue that soul in to the underworld, he needs to follow the footsteps of the dead and travel to the mountain , the shaman is always ready with his objects to protect himself and try to help the soul to take the good way, the soul face a lot of chalenges and pay what he did on earth , for example the animals that he hit have their revenge against the soul, they do a lot of weird rituals to help the soul, but we never know what really happens until we see that or we die , but i love the fact that the huichol culture is still alive and i have none reason to belive that what they say is not real , because who know what happens after we die?



I liked your post Nayes. I think it's very important to conserve and preserve the languages and traditions because they are the base of our culture.

Mr. Ruben said...

But, what happens to all the souls that don't have any guide to help them? (And I mean ALL the rest of the souls)

Pedro Castañeda Carrión said...

This is the Huichole´s Tradition, and sounds very interesting, but acording our impositive religion, the catholics, people who received the baptism in Christ, believe and trust in the God´s Mercy. The Church, said that if you are dying and you regret in the last minute your soul will get the heaven, but this is not just. Because you need a preparation to get a degree for example to be a good doctor you need to study 10year minimum. So to be worthy for heaven you must prepare your death being a good person and loving God and your neighbor and don´t take advantage of God´s Mercy.