Friday, November 4, 2011

Maths are everywhere

Even though many people won't accept it, maths are everywhere and you can find it in places and things that you would never imagine. Like this article here:
It says that some researchers have created a mathematical algorithm that is capable of predicting which gang is more likely to have commited a crime, based on a previous analisys of the behavior of the gangs of a district in LA. This algorithm is a great help for the police in LA and at least to me is a good demostration of how useful mathematics are. So it doesn´t matter if you hate it or love it, maths will always be very close to us and our enviroment.


Mr. Ruben said...

I agree with you all the way. I remember when I learned that they can be useful even to control traffic. And now I remembered the great Foundation and Empire trilogy, by Isaac Asimov. There, he combines maths with psychology, in order to predict the behavior of large masses of people (in a way similar to the behavior of gases) and thus, of an entire civilization. Really good reading.

vann said...

O sea se lo escribiré en español , como quiere que jaja la tarea si aun no me manda mi invitación u.u ... mi correo es .... si quiero postear , envíela por favor

Mr. Ruben said...

Ok, Vann, ok.

Done! (again)