Sunday, November 6, 2011

A post about the holy inquisition

Dear classmates just imagine that you are not living in this time where the free expression exists, imagine that you are in a totally different time, for example in the late XV century in Spain. Now, how you are so smart and dedicated to the study, imagine that you have a paradigm that goes against the hegemonic paradigms of that time and for that fact, you be punished with corporal punishment or the death. What have you done? Would you accept the torture? In a severe case Would you accept the death penalty? Or Do you accept the laws imposed by the Holy Church and give up your ideas?

Precisely this happened at that time in Spain, the Catholic Church celebrated “The Judgments of God" because alone God could know the truth. If the accused were innocent God help him (by a miracle) that could avoid the torture, but if the accused was guilty, would not receive divine help, and God allow the punishment.

What would you do?


Aldo Sanchez said...

WoW !! probably in that age. I'd sticked with my ideas, because you're sharing your information about wherever that isn't true. Obviously, I didn't accept the torture because that hurts, but if they could listen my ideas, more than one, believed in me, and they would want to prove it. Of course, when you're looking the true, you stop to believe in religion, because that never going to give you what are you looking for.

Aldo Sanchez

Mr. Ruben said...

And the problem was, even if a miracle happened and saved you, they could always say that it was the Devil's intervention and keep on with the torture, anyway.

And they keep saying "God bless the Church". Go figure.