Monday, February 6, 2012

when I woke up your cat was dead

Exactly when I wake up  in the morning I found  to the  cat died together with the door the mystery it is that the cat was well of health so not what happened with  him.In my house there were mouse not even mouse traps with poison even like that I put to investigate  what had happened with  the cat therefore put to think.
Then it was when to remember that the cat one day before had eaten his show restraint but inside his food one was finding bone of chicken  sew that there became  I strange.
I might conclude that te cat since obstruct in the throat the bone that existed in his food and the cat asphyxiate.
So when I woke up my cat was dead and solve the mystery with the explanation of the dead of the cat

1 comment:

Mr. Ruben said...

The cat and the door died at the same time???? How come?

Mmmh... I'm sure you can do better. Next time, try reading it when you finish, so you can correct the grammar and spelling mistakes.