Monday, September 21, 2009

Just remembering...

Do you remember those old series we used to see when kids? series like "Boy meets world", "Home Improvement", "Dinosaurs", "Saved by the Bell", "The Fresh prince of Bel-Air" and so on (If you are between 16 and 25 years old you've got to remember them), they were really worth seeing, I remember I loved seeing the old Wilson over the fence of Tim Taylor (well, half of his face actually), or Cory, Shawn and Topanga and their life problems (boy meets world had a lot of morals and above all things they remarked the friendship worth), and of course the sinclair family, I just loved the Baby Sinclair and his Not the mama!, he is the coolest guy ever seriously, I remember he even had the name "Aaah Aagh I'm Dying You Idiot" for about a day (that's a great name if you ask me), ...I always wondered what would feel like being stucked in one of those giant puppets for an entire day...
Well, I'm gettin' kind of nostalgic here so I better stop now, it was good to remember the old days though. I hope everyone is doing well so see you next sat.

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