The creature half cat, half rhinoceros from outer space.
Chapter One.
All hope is gone.
Chapter One.
All hope is gone.
The year is 1969 and the world is threatened by an interracial war began by government hippies of the United States who are willing to do whatever it takes to end a nation full of people who love the soap, I mean France ... who threatens healthy life on the Earth.
Amid this global tragedy, something is a less to change. Hippie defense division of the government is about to reveal a terrible secret, which they ended with the decade of blood and suffering.
Within this world of chaos and desolation, lives a little girl hippie, who is in a small town away from the pain of name "Hippietepec." What she ignores is that part of this war will not be ... yet.
Amid this global tragedy, something is a less to change. Hippie defense division of the government is about to reveal a terrible secret, which they ended with the decade of blood and suffering.
Within this world of chaos and desolation, lives a little girl hippie, who is in a small town away from the pain of name "Hippietepec." What she ignores is that part of this war will not be ... yet.
Chapter Two.
The lair of the devil.
The lair of the devil.
In the middle of the desert of Chihuahua, 10900 km from the capital, you can see a small hut in the middle of nowhere. However, this small point on the globe, hiding something so abominable that it's impossible to describe.
890 m depth in rocky soil and full of poisonous scorpions is the central base of operations for FBH and in it the largest ever genetic testing lab never conceived by humanity.
In the third underground level of the tower, the fifth hall, second door on the right, next to the cryogenic vessel creepy-looking, you can see a woman in white coats who writes numbers on a note. Her eyes seem to keep prying any details of a being that lies inert in this tube, be monstrous appearance, with sharp teeth, amorphous body, half cat, half rhinoceros, with a nasty nail polish and a hideous "Peter pan "booties ...
Dr. Paulina Rubialcaba whispers:
- At the end of your maturity, my dear daughter, you will be invincible, no one in this earthly world can stop your anger and your sense of fashion, ANYONE!
When suddenly someone enters the room, and with a deep thunder like "margarito" says:
- anyone! Are you sure that there is someone who can defeat ... our ... creaciónssss?
Hastily Dr. Paulina objects: - I am so sure this is the most indestructible being of the earth as I am that this war is not the welfare of mankind ... Mr. Sanders.
- At the end of your maturity, my dear daughter, you will be invincible, no one in this earthly world can stop your anger and your sense of fashion, ANYONE!
When suddenly someone enters the room, and with a deep thunder like "margarito" says:
- anyone! Are you sure that there is someone who can defeat ... our ... creaciónssss?
Hastily Dr. Paulina objects: - I am so sure this is the most indestructible being of the earth as I am that this war is not the welfare of mankind ... Mr. Sanders.
Sanders is the only child of a couple of geneticists tabasco lynx breeders who tried for years that his son follow in his footsteps in search of salvation of our planet, but apparently failed, and only became a ruthless gay pay, who profits from private parties for friends cool. And now working for the secret project of hippie division of the government called: Raised Unbreakable Beast with Illegal Ass or R.U.B.I.A.
Chapter Three.
The north wall clock marks 3:30 am, when a deafening noise wakes Dr. Paulina:
- What the hell is that?
The alarm of threat "Peter pan" booties sounds, and a pink light illuminates the hallways of the sector 8 13/16, some shouts heard in the distance and the walls were stained with verde cerca enamel to being macabre. Suddenly, Dr. Paulina note that the container is completely destroyed and the creature is, letting out laugh creepy shouts:
- What the hell is that?
The alarm of threat "Peter pan" booties sounds, and a pink light illuminates the hallways of the sector 8 13/16, some shouts heard in the distance and the walls were stained with verde cerca enamel to being macabre. Suddenly, Dr. Paulina note that the container is completely destroyed and the creature is, letting out laugh creepy shouts:
- "You are free at last, to end this dirty humanity that pollutes our soil with his outrageous fashion sense and her firm PERFECT butt JA, JA, JA, JA" ...
That's when the pink phone office ring Sanders for the first time
- Alo, if speech ...
- WHAT? It escaped. That's impossible I’m going to go there.
Mr. Sanders hastily runs to his luxury pink car with yellow flowers on the doors, take the keys from his pocket and quickly turned the engine. While advancing on Highway 34 in the middle of a dense fog created by the thawing of frozen mountain think about how to explain to Mr. Zero the stripper wearing a firefighter cannot attend your private party.
Suddenly, Sanders press the brake to the bottom and turn the steering wheel to avoid hitting the huge rhinoceros butt is in front of him.
The car turns and ends up stuck in a deep trench created by the heel of the creature half cat, half rhinoceros from outer space.
While Sanders regains consciousness after the altercation with that infernal wall of “cellulitis”, realizes that the creature is only half cat creature, half rhinoceros from outer space.
And for the first time in his life, asks God for mercy for his twelve kittens and the gardener with broad shoulders of his neighbor:
- That the carpenter's nails to save us!
That's when the pink phone office ring Sanders for the first time
- Alo, if speech ...
- WHAT? It escaped. That's impossible I’m going to go there.
Mr. Sanders hastily runs to his luxury pink car with yellow flowers on the doors, take the keys from his pocket and quickly turned the engine. While advancing on Highway 34 in the middle of a dense fog created by the thawing of frozen mountain think about how to explain to Mr. Zero the stripper wearing a firefighter cannot attend your private party.
Suddenly, Sanders press the brake to the bottom and turn the steering wheel to avoid hitting the huge rhinoceros butt is in front of him.
The car turns and ends up stuck in a deep trench created by the heel of the creature half cat, half rhinoceros from outer space.
While Sanders regains consciousness after the altercation with that infernal wall of “cellulitis”, realizes that the creature is only half cat creature, half rhinoceros from outer space.
And for the first time in his life, asks God for mercy for his twelve kittens and the gardener with broad shoulders of his neighbor:
- That the carpenter's nails to save us!
Chapter Four.
The birth of the savior.
The birth of the savior.
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