Friday, July 1, 2011

the tetragramatron

also knos as pentagram, penta alfa, five pointed star among many others, Eliphas Levi named it as the microcosmo's symbol that keeps away demons from our lifes

considered for centuries as the powerful protection charm from the greates ancient mages, this simbol has been used in many importan white and black magic rituals, on Mid Age this powerful symblos was use to keep vital energy and spirit strenght actualy on europe is concidered as a shield againts enchanment and witchcraft

etymologically we can find various origins rott of its name acording to its five pointed star form

penta- means five of greek
alpha- first letter on alphabet
gramma- letter interpreted as grafic

the word tetragramaton also comes from the interlaced force of the 4 elements always presents on magic practices

tetra- means 4 on greek
gramma- means grafica
ton- on greek this termination is used to link two or more letters in the same word

on the world of magic as ours exist a universal duality, good and evil, white and black, on orient iexist ying and yang, therefore, this symbol, so alike cristian crucifix it can be used for the opposite of its creation,
practitioners of dark arts use them on the rituals turning them upsidedown to bring evil energy...

1 comment:

vanth_anorexia said...

It's so interesting, but let me tell you that the inverted pentagram was used to symbolize the union with "the earth", or the god Baphomet, but when the Holy inquisition killed the Templar knights They turned the "Baphomet god" into a Devil.