Thursday, December 15, 2011

Grey's Anatomy

I do wonder why people are so upset with the content, abortion is a womans right, and what about the homophobia - stop it people? It's set in a hospital, what do you think is going on in the real world? get real people!
(Is it my prejudice, or are those critics christians? are we forgetting what Jesus said about loving our neighbor? and don't judge as how you judge you will be judged? and do unto others how you want to be treated?)
Love this show so much, every episode is like coming home to family, I am so attached to them. I didn' t watch from the start, but I got hooked after seeing it the first time, season 2 that was.
I love the drama (its acting - not real life - who needs more drama in real life?), the storylines, the more dramatic the better. Series 8 is absolutely superb.
Thanks to all the people who make this show.

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